Often considered highly offensive not only in the English-speaking world but to everyone who knows the word: Fucking. Regarded as the third most severe profanity, the word “fucking” is filtered automatically by most online forums and public blogs. But don’t get me wrong, this article is not about the literal meaning of “Fucking”.
Let’s talk about Fucking
Fucking: [German fʊkɪŋ], pronounce as fooking, is a small village located in Austria. It is 33 kilometers north of Salzburg and 4 kilometers east of German border. Fucking was founded in the 6th century by a Bavarian nobleman with the name Focko. The name has evolved over the centuries until the 18th century that it has been spelled Fucking. The added -ing is an old Germanic suffix which indicates the people who live in the place. Thus, Fucking means the place where Focko people live.
Stealing as the only crime noted

The village is so small that it has a population of only 104. Fucking has become famous for its name. Tourists flock to the village equipped with cameras and the will to get some souvenir no matter the means. The most notable way to get hold of a souvenir was to steal the village famous road signs: “FUCKING : Bitte nicht so schnell!” is translated in German as “FUCKING : Please not so fast!”. This is a warning equivalent to following the lawful speed limit. The stolen road signs cost the villagers 300 Euros as reflected in the taxes they paid. Because of the rampant spate of missing road signs, the Fucking residents hold a vote to change their village name, but owing to the name’s existence for 800 years, majority of the Fucking residents and the Fucking mayor Siegfried Höppl stick to keep the name. Stealing of the road signs, which included the theft of four signs in one night, is the only crime noted in the village. To stop the stealing, the road signs are modified. Already welded to steel and secured in concrete.
Fucking mayor Siegfried Höppl said in his pleading words to tourists…“
Today, we have successfully stopped these Fucking tourists from stealing the Fucking signs from the Fucking village, announced Fucking police captain Gerhard Scheissenschlager at the press conference. The chief was very happy about the arrests and hopes to put more effort into preventing future Fucking thefts. “The Fucking Austrian authorities will stop any Fucking thieves with zero tolerance and resolve at all costs.[Found here]
Stealing of Fucking road signs is also rampant in the nearby villages named Oberfucking and Unterfucking (Upper and Lower Fucking respectively).
Fucking Hell
In 2009, a German brewery’s attempt to market a beer called "Fucking Hell" was denied by European Union’s OHIM trademarks agency. But the German brewery insisted that the name was taken from the Austrian Village, Fuckingand the German term Hell which means Pale lager. Pale lager is a beer with a very pale color. This becomes the common form of beer that is consumed in the modern world. The German brewery has been given the “go signal” though.
Festival of the Fucking Bands
Annually held in the month of November, the festival showcases famous Fucking bands Fucked Up, Holy Fuck, Fuck and Fuck Buttons.
Most of the Fucking residents speak English now. If you ask them where they live, they prefer not to say, which is understandable though.
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