
What Makes You Happy?

What makes you happy?

Is it the thought of going on a date with your crush? You have a job that Steve Jobs envies? A partner as handsome as Brad Pitt (hey Angie, the duplicate is mine)? Foods that cover the go, grow and glow slogan? Shopping like no tomorrow is coming? Proud owner of Lamborghini? No doubt, these are surefire to wear that ear to ear grin. But are you happy?

Happiness in material things is temporary. When a new car is out in the market, you're happy (goodbye old car). After your shopping spree today, tomorrow is another day. There is no contentment in a short lived happiness.

The Real Happiness

When you start appreciating what you already have, you’ll find the endless happiness. The magic words are contentment, peace, appreciate, contentment, peace, appreciate, contentment, peace, appreciate…

When you are contented and at peace with everything, you’re secured.

Finding peace with everything begins within. If you learn to forgive yourself and other people, you’ll begin to appreciate the simplicity of life. Shopping or no shopping, life is great. A partner that's now the opposite of Thor, well, thank you; at least he's still Thor. A car that needs an hour and two to make it into the driveway is a gem. A simple meal made perfect because of contentment, yummy.

Real happiness is setting your mind to be at peace with everything, and be contented with what's available.

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